Tuesday, 22 November 2011

OTL: Oracle Time and Labor - Timecard/Timesheet related queries

Alert to Users who have not filled time sheet:
(Data was taken from 1st march, 2010 after go-live)

                        (case when trunc(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-3)+1) >= '01-MAR-2010'
            then add_months(last_day(sysdate),-3)+1
            else to_date('01-MAR-2010','dd-mon-rrrr')
            end) from_date,
                        papf.full_name employee_name,
                        nvl(papf.employee_number,papf.npw_number) employee_number,
                        exp.expenditure_ending_date-6 week_start_date,
                        exp.expenditure_ending_date week_ending_date,
INTO    &from_date,
 per_person_types ppt,
 per_person_type_usages_f puf,
 per_people_f papf,
  (select distinct
   from pa_expenditures_all
   where expenditure_ending_date-6 between add_months(last_day(sysdate),-3)+1 and sysdate-7
and to_char(expenditure_ending_date,'DAY-MON-YYYY') like '%SUNDAY%'
and expenditure_ending_date-6 >= '01-MAR-2010') exp
WHERE papf.person_id=puf.person_id
  and puf.person_type_id=ppt.person_type_id
  and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK')
  and sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
  and sysdate between puf.effective_start_date and puf.effective_end_date
  and (papf.employee_number is not null or papf.npw_number is not null)
 and son_time_sheet_approval_status(exp.expenditure_ending_date-6,papf.person_id) not in ('APPROVED','SUBMITTED')
and papf.original_date_of_hire<=exp.expenditure_ending_date
order by exp.expenditure_ending_date

Alert to Project Managers with the details of employees who have not filled their timesheets:

        SELECT   (CASE
                     WHEN TRUNC (ADD_MONTHS (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE), -3) + 1) >=
                        THEN ADD_MONTHS (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE), -3) + 1
                     ELSE TO_DATE ('01-MAR-2010', 'dd-mon-rrrr')
                 ) from_date,
                 SYSDATE TO_DATE, papf.person_id,
                 papf.full_name employee_name,
                 NVL (papf.employee_number, papf.npw_number) employee_number,
                 EXP.expenditure_ending_date - 6 week_start_date,
                 EXP.expenditure_ending_date week_ending_date,
                 son_time_sheet_approval_status (EXP.expenditure_ending_date,
            FROM per_person_types ppt,
                 per_person_type_usages_f puf,
                 fnd_user fu,               -- added to exclude group mail ids
                 per_people_f papf,
                 (SELECT DISTINCT expenditure_ending_date
                             FROM pa_expenditures_all
                            WHERE expenditure_ending_date - 6
                                     BETWEEN   ADD_MONTHS (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE),
                                             + 1
                                         AND SYSDATE - 7
                              AND TO_CHAR (expenditure_ending_date,
                                          ) LIKE '%SUNDAY%'
                              AND expenditure_ending_date - 6 >= '01-MAR-2010') EXP
           WHERE papf.person_id = puf.person_id
             AND puf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
             AND ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'CWK')
             AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                             AND papf.effective_end_date
             AND SYSDATE BETWEEN puf.effective_start_date
                             AND puf.effective_end_date
             AND (   papf.employee_number IS NOT NULL
                  OR papf.npw_number IS NOT NULL
             AND son_time_sheet_approval_status (EXP.expenditure_ending_date,
                                                ) NOT IN
                                                    ('APPROVED', 'SUBMITTED')
             AND papf.original_date_of_hire <= EXP.expenditure_ending_date
             AND papf.person_id = fu.employee_id
             AND fu.user_id = fu1.user_id)
--and papf.employee_number='7283'
        ORDER BY EXP.expenditure_ending_date),
     q3 AS
        SELECT ppa.project_id, ppal.segment1, ppa.assignment_effort,
               ppa.start_date, ppa.end_date, papf.person_id,
               pa_otc_api.getprojectmanager (ppa.project_id) pm_person_id
          FROM pa_project_assignments ppa,
               pa_resource_txn_attributes prta,
               pa_projects_all ppal,
               per_all_people_f papf
         WHERE ppa.resource_id = prta.resource_id
           AND prta.person_id = papf.person_id
           AND ppa.project_id = ppal.project_id
           AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC (papf.effective_start_date)
                                   AND TRUNC (papf.effective_end_date)
           AND assignment_type = 'STAFFED_ASSIGNMENT'
           AND apprvl_status_code = 'ASGMT_APPRVL_APPROVED')
SELECT q1.person_id, q1.from_date, q1.TO_DATE, q1.employee_name,
       q1.employee_number, q1.email_address, q3.start_date, q3.end_date,
       q1.week_start_date, q1.week_ending_date, q3.project_id,
       q3.segment1 project, q3.pm_person_id,
       (SELECT full_name
          FROM per_all_people_f
         WHERE person_id = q3.pm_person_id
           AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC (effective_start_date)
                                   AND TRUNC (effective_end_date))
       (SELECT email_address
          FROM per_all_people_f
         WHERE person_id = q3.pm_person_id
           AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC (effective_start_date)
                                   AND TRUNC (effective_end_date))
  FROM q1, q3
 WHERE q3.person_id = q1.person_id
   AND (   (q1.week_ending_date BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 6 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 5 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 4 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 3 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 2 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)
        OR (q1.week_ending_date - 1 BETWEEN q3.start_date AND q3.end_date)

Alert to Approvers who have not taken any action on time sheet notification:

select papf.full_name,
  into &approver_name,
  from wf_item_activity_statuses wias,
       wf_process_activities wpa,
       wf_notifications wn,
               fnd_user fndu,
               per_all_people_f papf
where wias.item_type = 'HXCEMP'
 and wias.item_key = wn.item_key
 and wn.recipient_role=fndu.user_name
 and fndu.employee_id=papf.person_id
 and sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
 and wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id
 and wpa.activity_name = 'TC_APR_NOTIFICATION'
 and wn.status='OPEN'
 and wias.notification_id = wn.notification_id

 Query to get basic timesheet/timecard details:

SELECT   hts.timecard_id, hts.resource_id, hts.start_time,
                  hts.stop_time, hts.submission_date,
                  htb1.start_time each_day, hta.attribute1 project_id,
                  hta.attribute2 task_id, htb2.measure, pt.task_name
             FROM hxc_time_building_blocks htb,
                  hxc_time_building_blocks htb1,
                  hxc_time_building_blocks htb2,
                  hxc_time_attribute_usages htau,
                  hxc_time_attributes hta,
                  pa_projects_all papa,
                  hxc_timecard_summary hts,
                  pa_tasks pt
            WHERE htb1.parent_building_block_id = htb.time_building_block_id
              AND htb1.parent_building_block_ovn = htb.object_version_number
              AND htb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
              AND htb.SCOPE = 'TIMECARD'
              AND htb1.SCOPE = 'DAY'
              AND htb1.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
              AND htb2.parent_building_block_id = htb1.time_building_block_id
              AND htb2.parent_building_block_ovn = htb1.object_version_number
              AND htb2.SCOPE = 'DETAIL'
              AND htb2.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
              AND htau.time_building_block_id = htb2.time_building_block_id
              AND htau.time_building_block_ovn = htb2.object_version_number
              AND htau.time_attribute_id = hta.time_attribute_id
              AND papa.project_id = hta.attribute1
              AND hts.start_time = htb.start_time
              AND hts.resource_id = htb.resource_id
           --AND htb.resource_id = p_resource_id
              AND hts.timecard_id = :p_timecard_id
              AND hta.attribute_category = 'PROJECTS'
              AND hts.approval_status = 'WORKING'
              AND hta.attribute2 = pt.task_id
              AND hta.attribute1 = pt.project_id
         ORDER BY htb1.start_time;

to be contd....



  1. Thank you for the queries! Can you help me determine the alternate name used for an expenditure type? In other words the relationship between the time building block DETAIL row and the alias values table?TY

  2. Software for tracking time easily and effectively tracks the time of your employees anytime, anywhere. Your post is really good providing good information.. I liked it and enjoyed reading it.Keep sharing such important posts.Timesheet

  3. This was very helpful. I need to send emails when people don't submit timesheets at the end-of-day Monday. Thanks you very much! Is this a function - son_time_sheet_approval_status

    1. Yes, it is a custom function

    2. Hi Rajesh,

      Thanks for ur blog. It is informative. Can you pls provide us the custom function code so that we can understand it in a better way.

      I am working as a HRMS Techno Functional Consultant. Can we exchange our email ids so that we can share our knowledge. Thanks.

    3. Hi Subha,
      Thank you for your inputs. Of course yes, we have to share our knowledge with each other and others. Please share your email ID.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have a requirement that Project Managers with access to the following components of our project budgets - Cost to Date for:
    1. Labor
    2. Over time
    3. Sub-contractor
    4. Travel
    5. Expenses
    6. Material

    Kindly Help Me..
    Thanks In Advance..!

  6. could you update the code for son_time_sheet_approval_status.Thanks for your hlep

  7. Hi Rajesh,

    Could you please share us the son_time_sheet_approval_status function.


    1. Hi,
      I don't have it right now. I will check and update the post.

      Thanks for your concern and suggestion.

